En el 2011 voy a poder visitar Ucrania! Acabo de leer en el Washington Post que van a abrir la zona de exclusión. Trenes, paisajes hermosos, equipamiento militar en desuso (y no tanto)… Esto es mejor que todos los hospitales abandonados.
- The railway lines at Slavutych station, which take commuters to jobs within the Zone of alienation around the Chernobyl disaster. Photo released into the public domain. Source.
- Control room, with its damaged machinery, is seen inside reactor No. 4 in the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Source.
- The Chernobyl town still has a few residents left in this area. The above-ground piping provides heat for the building. All new pipes within the exclusion zone are above-ground to prevent disturbing the soil and possibly stirring up some radioactivity. Source.