Making a beam compass

Today was one of those days when in order to do something I say to myself “I need this tool and (especially now) I can not buy nor justify buying it. So let’s build one”.

And that in itself takes more time than the whole project.

I was in the process of fixing an old dentists lamp that was laying around, the fresnel lens was originally held with some tiny and feeble metal strips that were in horrible shape.

Instead of making a replacement with some leftover stock or filler rods I decided to make a proper retention ring with sheet metal from a computer case.

But, my simple compass wasn’t able to make circles as big as I needed. Thus I set to build a beam compass.

I had the hardened points from a couple of broken punches, so it was only a matter of cross drilling some bolts and figuring out how to end up with something that would be useful.

Except from the bolts everything else came from either the rust bucket or the trash.

There are a lot of things that can be improved but as it is, it fulfills its intended purpose just fine:

Pity that it’s already too late to start the plasma cutter and finish this part.

Latest geek reads

Some of the things I’ve read/watched lately to sharpen my skills:

Weird Dreams

The other day I had a strange dream.

I was at a lounge talking with a waitress and we were doodling nonsense on a napkin. My drawings slowly morphed into something that was a lot like a Hilbert curve but not quite.

Our talk drifted into space filling curves and I kept trying to draw it but even tough I knew how it should look I always managed to draw something like a very simplified sandcastle.


This year I haven’t read as many books as others at this point.

My list so far has:

  • “Las neuronas de Dios” by Diego Golombek
  • “Effetti personali” by Francesca Duranti
  • “Blonde’s requien” by Raymond Marshall / James H. Chase
  • “The terminal Man” by Michael Crichton
  • “La Mala Fama” by Benchi Calligo
  • “La Otra Orilla” by Raúl Filgueira
  • “Sacrificios en Días Santos” by Antonio Dal Masetto
  • “Justine, or The Misfortunes of Virtue” and “La Marquise de Gange” by Donatien Alphonse François de Sade. Horrible Spanish translations. The ones I remember in English were better but I should try next time with the original in French.

And on the queue:

  • “Consciousness and the Brain” by Stanislas Dehaene
  • “The Psychology of Selling”, “Master Your Time, Master Your Life”, “Kiss that Frog” and “Eat that frog!” by Brian Tracy.
  • “What Color Is Your Parachute” by Richard Bolles.
  • “Management – Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices” by Peter Drucker
  • “Tras la crisis, El nuevo rumbo de la política económica y laboral en Argentina y su impacto” by Damill, Frenkel y Maurizio

Park bench: mount

Today I worked on the base mount for that bench. I chose a 20 degree slope (taken from that guide) as I found it comfortably and it’s a round number too.

I fumbled a bit with some pipes but the cuts and copes to build it properly are more demanding than the time I had, so I settled on some channel iron. The math is a lot easier, I just needed to offset one cut by (channel width) * tan(20°) or 2.6 cm.

I’m very pleased with how I managed to make this weld around the corner in one pass:

Park bench: corner weld