Learning again

I got into computers at the age of 8 (1994), when a very weird lady came to our school and offered to teach us. A week after that she was back with a bunch of friends and unloaded a stack of XT’s and AT’s on an empty room.

We spent two months doing exercises on paper and then she introduced us to QBasic (and DOS).

After that I continued with Visual Basic (and stopped at 6, I made a couple of programs for a very good amount of money), assembler for PIC micros. I also used C with TurboC, DJGPP and even Visual C.

I stumbled upon Python and its community and I fell in love. It is still my go to language for almost everything, even if only to try out solutions and then port them to the target language.

The last major event was a couple (and a bit more…) years ago when I started to use more and more Javascript, from plain servers using express to fully encompassing frameworks like LoopBack. From big iron to smaller micros (besides code isomorphism is really interesting)

After that I toyed with some languages but nothing really caught my attention. Among them I used Ruby, Haskell, Go and a bit of Java just for kicks or helping out long time friends. Also TCL, I   liked it as an extension language but I wouldn’t write an application from scratch using it. Go is really interesting (mainly because Docker and all the tools revolving around it) but I really need some itch that calls for it.

The major breakthrough came when I rediscovered Forth and Erlang.

Forth is really interesting as an embedded language because it’s so easy to implement and there are so many things powered by it.

Erlang was on my radar for a while and has, at least on my circle of friends, this aura of mystery.

After a post on PyAr I decided to join a local group and give it a go. I started with the exercises of Learn You Some Erlang and I couldn’t be happier.

It makes my head twitch and think in new ways. I just lust for the time of the day devoted to it.

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