La Falda Winter 2016: Day 2

(Day 1 I was a bit sick for the travel, just walked around, bought water and not much).

I had to buy a 15mm wrench (the other was waiting at home…) to put together the bike.

I drifted a while then I started to walk upwards on a small water stream that crosses the town and many houses.

It goes then into the mountain, surrounded by tall walls of soil and trees. Ends on the entrance gate to a very big house (looks like a hotel or something like that).

Back on the road there are many small corridors that disappear into the mountain, I took one of them.

From time to time the forest is less dense and there are signs of gatherings, like a love letter or a junkyard. Something curious about it was the vast amount of engine blocks, they are worth quite a bit of money (and really, nobody here asks for the papers if you try to sell them at a scrap dealer). Pity they were hard to get near the main road.

This entry was posted in psico.

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