This happened in between the last installment in the series.
Both the brakes and clutch didn’t work (besides not having fluid, the cylinders were stuck) so I set up to dismantle them.
After some contortions I managed to free the mechanism. A couple of hard lines broke around the fittings and part of the servo assist snapped while I was pulling.
Peugeot 504: brake and clutch hydraulics Peugeot 504: brake and clutch hydraulics Peugeot 504: brake and clutch hydraulics
The air filter in this unit is an oil bath one and was perfectly full. After draining it I used lots of gasoline, kitchen cleaner and boiling water to remove every trace of grim and oil. But now the filth migrated to the sink.
Oil bath air filter Oil bath air filter Dirty sink after cleaning air filter
I also removed the valve cover to take a peek inside. It looks surprisingly clean and neat for a car of this age. The gasket was torn apart, that may explain the amount of oil on the block.