Adventures in smps carnage I.

A while ago while cleaning the trash pile I thought that it’d be nice to mod one of the many computer supplies to have a variable output. So I picked up the less crappy, replaced the transformer with a one with better turns ratio to achieve a higher voltage output and put a pot on the feedback loop.

At first it kind of worked but with a lot of unstable points and weird modes. Then I realized that I fed the feedback from about 50K when the nominal was near 10K (and also there is considerable input current there). A simple emitter follower took care of that, now there only remains plain oscillations.

The operating point moves a lot considering that I want the output to be adjustable between 5V and 50V and without a fixed load. The original compensation scheme was a plain integrator plus a zero, I can make things a little better slowing it down a lot but what’s the fun on that.

So instead of blindingly doing things I set out to measure the loop response using Middlebrook’s method. I cobbled up a quick python program with Gtk and GStreamer to generate the test signals with a computer soundcard. Initially I expected to just sweep the frequency and measure some points manually on the scope but there is a lot of 50Hz induced interference that together with switching residuals make that task impossible, I really need to perform a synchronous detection in order to get a meaningful result. That means I’ll have to make room for some more quality time coding to get the scope samples in an automated fashion. The usb protocol is documented here ( ).

The setup is a far cry from the ones depicted in the famous AN70 by Jim Williams. I used an H-Field probe to rule out magnetics as an interference source. I expected the output filters and the transformer to be troublesome but their effects on the point of injection are negligible. On the other hand, long wires on the feedback path (even twisted) and the snap recovery diodes aren’t a good match.


Using WebKitGTK as the UI for GStreamer applications.

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about how can I make nice and easily customizable interfaces for video applications. My idea of ‘nice’ is kind of orthogonal to what most of my expected user base will want, and by ‘easily customizable’ I don’t mean ‘go edit this glade file / json stage / etc’.

Clutter and MX are great to make good looking interfaces and like Gtk have something that resembles css to style stuff and can load an ui from an xml or json file. However, they will need sooner or later a mix developer and a designer. And unless you do something up front, the interface is tied to the backend process that does the heavy video work.

So, seeing all the good stuff we are doing with Caspa, the VideoEditor, WebVfx and our new magical synchronization framework I questioned:

Why instead of using Gtk, can’t I make my ui with html and all the fancy things that are already made?

And while we are at it I want process isolation, so if the ui crashes (or I want to launch more than one to see side by side different ui styles) the video processing does not stop. Of course, should I want more tightly coupling I can embed WebKit on my application and make a javascript bridge to avoid having to use something like websockets to interact.

One can always dream…

Then my muse appeared and commanded me to type. Thankfully, mine is not like the poor soul on “Blank Page” had.

So I type, and I type, and I type.

‘Till I made this: two GStreamer pipelines, outputting to auto audio and video sinks and also to a webkit process. Buffers travel thru shared memory, still they are copied more than I’d like to but that makes things a bit easier and helps decoupling the processes, so if one stalls the others don’t care (and anyway for most of the things I want to do I’ll need to make a few copies). Lucky me I can throw beefier hardware and play with more interesting things.

I expect to release this in a couple of weeks when it’s more stable and usable, as of today it tends to crash if you stare at it a bit harder.

“It’s an act of faith, baby”
Using WebKit to display video from a GStreamer application.

Using WebKit to display video from a GStreamer application.
Something free to whoever knows who the singer is without using image search.



On GStreamer performance with multiple sources.

I’ve made a couple of experiments with Tetra. Right now the code that manages disconnection of live sources (say, someone pulls the cable and walks away with one of our cameras) kind of works, it certainly does on my system but with differnet sets of libraries sometimes the main gst pipeline just hangs there and it really bothers me that I’m unable to get it right.

So I decided to really split it on a core that does the mixing (either manually or automatic) and different pipelines that feed it. Previously I had success using the inter elements (with interaudiosrc hacked so its latency is acceptable) to have another pipeline with video from a file mixed with live content.

Using the inter elements and a dedicated pipeline for each camera worked fine, the camera pipeline could die or dissapear and the mixing pipeline churned happily. The only downside is that it puts some requirements on the audio and video formats.

Something that I wasn’t expecting was that cpu utilization lowered, before I had two threads using 100% and 30% (and many others below 10%) of cpu time and both cores on average at 80% load. With different pipelines linked with inter elements I had two threads, one at 55% and a couple of others near 10%; both cores a tad below 70%.

Using shmsrc / shmsink yielded similar performance results but as a downside it behaved just like the original regarding the sources being disconnected, so for now I’m not considering them to ingest video. On the other hand latency was imperceptible as expected.

Using the Gstreamer Controller subsystem from Python.

This is more or less a direct translation of the examples found at gstreamer/tests/examples/controller/*.c to their equivalents using the gi bindings for Gstreamer under Python. The documentation can be found here. Reading the source also helps a lot.

The basic premise is that you can attach a controller to almost any property of an object, set an interpolation function and give it pairs of (time, value) so they are smoothly changed. I’m using a pad as a target instead of an element just because it fits my immediate needs but it really can be any Element.

First you need to import Gstreamer and initialize it:

import gi
import sys
from gi.repository import GObject
gi.require_version('Gst', '1.0')
from gi.repository import Gst
from gi.repository import GstController
from gi.repository import Gtk
from gi.repository import GLib


Then create your elements. This is by no means the best way but lets me cut a bit on all the boilerplate.

p = Gst.parse_launch ("""videomixer name=mix ! videoconvert ! xvimagesink
videotestsrc pattern="snow" ! videoconvert ! mix.sink_0
videotestsrc ! videoconvert ! mix.sink_1

m = p.get_by_name ("mix")
s0 = [pad for pad in m.pads if == 'sink_0'][0]
s0.set_property ("xpos", 100)

Here I created two test sources, one with bars and another with static that also has an horizontal offset. If we were to start the pipeline right now ( p.set_state (Gst.State.PLAYING) ) we would see something like this:


So far it works. Now I’d like to animate the alpha property of s0 (the sink pads of a videomixer have interesting properties like alpha, zorder, xpos and ypos). First we create a control source and set the interpolation mode:

cs = GstController.InterpolationControlSource()
cs.set_property('mode', GstController.InterpolationMode.LINEAR)

Then we create a control binding for the property we want to animate and add it to our element:

cb =, 'alpha', cs)

It is worth noting that the same control source can be used with more than one control binding.

Now we just need to add a couple of points and play:

cs.set(0*Gst.SECOND, 1)
cs.set(4*Gst.SECOND, 0.5)
p.set_state (Gst.State.PLAYING)

If you are not running this from the interpreter remember to add GObject.MainLoop().run() , otherwise the script will end instead of keep playing. Here I’ve used absolute times, to animate in the middle of a playing state you need to get the current time and set the points accordingly, something like this will do most of the cases:

start = p.get_clock().get_time() # XXX: you better check for errors
end = start + endtime*Gst.SECOND

Avoiding too much bookkeeping

You can get the controller and control source of an element with:

control_binding = element.get_control_binding('property')
if control_binding:
    control_source = control_binding.get_property('control_source')