That thrill.

Lately I’ve been working with a lot of technologies that are a bit outside of my comfort zone of hardware and low level stuff. Javascript, html-y things and node.js.  At first it was a tad difficult to wrap my head around all that asynchronism and things like hoisting and what is the value of ‘this’ here. And inheritance.

Then, out of a sudden I had an epiphany and I wrote a truly marvellous piece of software. Now I can use on the browser and the server, the same models and codebase on both without a single change. Models are automatically synchronized. On top of that there’s a redis transport so I can sync models between different node instances in real time without hitting the storage (mongo in this case). And the icing of the cake is that a python compatibility module is about to come.

The bragging tax.

This is no news but I don’t get people. I really don’t.

When a potential client approached me for a quote normally I gave two estimates. One if I am allowed to write something about it and another one (substantially higher) if they refuse.

I never said a word about open sourcing it, naming names or something like that.

Most of the time I explain, as politely as I can, that nobody is going to ‘steal’ they wonderful idea. And also that it is just a very simple variation on stuff found on textbooks and, the only original thing they did was to put a company logo on it.

It is such a shame that I honour my word in these cases.

Olvidando. Otra que Patrick.

Hace unos días leí en algún lado que cuando te aferrás a una persona y no la dejás ir hacés cosas como atesorar cada sms, mail, etc…

Anteayer me senté sobre el celular, la pantalla se quedó negra y no hacía nada. Saco la batería y lo vuelvo a encender. Perdí todos los mensajes y borradores. Perdí el mensaje que me mandaste después la primera noche en que nos conocimos en el 2008. Historia para otro día si encuentro una forma de anonimizarla.

Preciso olvidar, pero a otra persona.

Hoy programo porque estoy deprimido.

Hoy programo, un módulo para MLT Framework que permite vincular varias instancias de melt usando el mismo protocolo que shmsink / shmsrc de GStreamer. Un plugin para ingresar material de melt en un pipeline de gst.

Descubrí que hace rato no tengo el área del cerebro para entender multithreading. Descubrí que todos los frameworks / librerías de vídeo en su interior albergan los mas oscuros y horribles secretos (aunque algunas no se esfuerzan en ocultarlos mucho). Por suerte el hardware es barato, no sé por qué me esfuerzo en hacer algo zerocopy si total vos lo vas a copiar de gusto cuatro o cinco veces.

Late movies

I started again to go outside to watch some instead of staying warm at home. Some were at the Cine Freak Show, some with friends (ok, not outside but not my home either).

Like Someone in Love: It was nice and touching but even after three times I still feel like I’m missing something.

Lesson of the Evil: It took away every bit of me that wanted to visit Japan. Had very funny scenes.

Combat Girls: (Kriegerin) I watched this for the first time last year. Mixed feeling about this one. I found it a bit like This is England but relocated. Oh nuts, the same reference is at the ‘pedia.

Hacker’s block

Llevo un buen rato tratando de averigüar por qué no se ejecuta el handler para una interrupción… Ojalá hubiera algo como Plinky que te libere la mente.  Me tiro en la hamaca paraguaya, pongo la cabeza en standby por un rato.

– Mirá que hay formas boludas de ir preso…

– Sí es cierto. Yo quiero que me engayolen por regicidio. Ya me estoy imaginando las placas de Crónica después de atropellar a la reina Isabel con un uniciclo a vapor…

Vuelvo a releer la hoja de datos, los documentos de la libc y mil foros hasta que un mensajito pasa al frente en un instante revelador:

the datasheet for the 8515 says that the USART RX complete handler is named USART_RXC” however in “iom8515.h” it’s actually defined as “USART_RX”

La felicidad es…

Encontrarte a mitad de cuadra una pileta [container] pública y un montón de gente piola
 Tocar candombe y cantar en una noche hermosa…

Para después bailar hasta el amanecer

y llegar tres dias después a tu casa sin voz con una sonrisa de oreja a oreja.




For the last seven days I had this disease. I could not remember being this sick since I was a kid and catched chickenpox.

The first three days were like hell. Fever, alternating states of extreme coldness and warmth, generalized pain and swelling and worst of all, toothache. If I had at hand a forceps I’d disposed of half of my tooth just to make it go away. (yes, I do have a set of dentistry tools in the shack but the weather wasn’t encouraging me to leave my home. No, sadly I don’t have the x-ray head nor the chair. I could certainly make a good use of a dentist chair, they are really comfy.). I even had to sleep with socks and long sleeved shirts (normally, in winters like this, I sleep with no additional clothes and a quarter window opened).

The idea of spending several days doing nothing wasn’t very appealing so I thought “If I’m going to be quiet doing nothing I’d better read so it’s not lost time.”. Well, moving was hard and trying to focus my sight on some books made me feel really odd so I strapped a wireless mouse to my chest, put a lot of blankets and the laptop on top to hold everything together. From time to time I passed out but I managed to read quite a lot, still can’t make heads or tails out of some topics but it’s better than nothing.

On the second day of this I gave up and it was a good move. The toothache made eating everything but liquids barely impossible and I felt weak, let alone in mood for studying.

The following days I slept in average 16 hours a day, somedays in a continuous chunk, others 8~9 and several naps. It was weird but ignoring the pain and dizziness I’d get sinusitis again just for the side-effects regarding the sleep and the dreams I had.

First. I don’t know how, but I woke up like a robot for medication before the clock rung, turned off the alarm and fell asleep again just like that. And the most important, dreams. Lots of dreams, strange, livid and I remembered almost each and every one, I just wished I had taken notes because now some are fading.

I dreamt a lot with tubes, vacuum tubes. Several times I dreamt that I was in what looked like a small town, humble, electronics store of the late 40’s shopping for a console radio. They were amazingly real, I could touch them, feel the veneer. I think I tried every Zenith from that era. Also I dreamt that one of my cat’s nest were filled with assorted tubes, I can recall seeing a 6L6G (love that bottle shape) and a pair of 807… and ‘we’ cuddled by the fireplace. Yes, I’m a tubehead weirdo.

Also I had a couple of lucid dreams that I’d rather not talk about but I woke with a big big smile.

Mago de Oz

A veces me gustaría ser como el hombre de Hojalata (dejando de lado la historia que lo convirtió en tal), no solo por haber tenido la oportunidad de trabajar junto a Judy Garland sino también por carecer de Corazón. En un momento el profesor le dice al Hombre de Hojalata algo como “No sabes lo afortunado que eres al no tener corazón, nunca serán prácticos hasta que puedan hacerse irrompibles.”

Qué ganas de verla que me están dando, quizás sea porque estoy en un dia medio sensible pero me estoy acordando de las frases esas que me tocan, “un corazón no se juzga por cuánto ame, sino por cuánto uno es amado”, “ahora sé que tengo un corazón, porque está roto”, …